Thursday, October 15, 2009

Balloon Boy and family were on 'Wife Swap'

Falcon Heene, the 6-year-old boy who dominated news coverage for supposedly climbing into a runaway balloon aircraft, has been on TV before.

The boy and his family -- father Richard Heene, mother Mayumi and brother Ryo and Brandon -- were on ABC's "Wife Swap" twice, most recently for the show's 100th episode in which they reswapped. The family was painted as "science-obsessed."

Father Richard Heene is a storm chaser and host of the Internet series "The Psyience Detectives."

On Thursday, Oct. 15, Falcon was seen by one of his siblings climbing into the balloon. It broke away and flew over Colorado, crash landing a couple hours later, but there was no sign of the boy aboard.It's unclear now whether or not Heene son was on board at all when the balloon took off or if he may have fallen out. Fingers crossed it's the former.Authorities are currently searching.

UPDATE: CNN's Wolf Blitzer reports that Falcon Heene has been found. He's safe and back home. It appears he was hiding in the garage attic the entire time and never actually in the balloon.

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